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The Brant Hansen Show
Brant Hansen is a toast-obsessed nerd who, when in high school, was no less than PRESIDENT of the Illinois Student Librarians Association. He was also All-Conference in “Scholastic Bowl”, and lettered in basketball and football (both for keeping statistics) and was President of his own Stamp Collection Club, which consisted of himself. He’s also an “Aspie” – diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome as an adult. And he’s happy about it. Brant is also the spokesperson for CURE International, a network of hospitals serving the poor around the world. Brant is also the author of three best-selling books: “Unoffendable”, “Blessed are the Misfits”, and “The Truth About Us. Making his home here on the Treasure Coast, Brant’s show is now syndicated by Christian FM to more than 200 stations nationwide.
Bruce Douglas
Bruce Douglas has long been “Mr. Information” on the radio. Bruce worked news radio in Detroit and Tampa, and was the News Director of another Vero Beach station. Bruce spent more than 15 years behind the mic as part of the Christian FM morning show, and today serves as our Director of Content and Community Relations. Bruce and Pat have three adult children and are very active members at GraceSpring church, where his former morning co-host Brian Strickland now pastors.
Doug Hannah
Doug Hannah is a Christ-follower, a proud husband, dad, and also a Diet Pepsi and Apple products fanatic. His voice has taken him to Detroit, Chicago, Houston, and Nashville. Doug is also a host on Sirius/XM “The Message”, and a big part of Christian FM’s national reach. Doug has been married to Julie since 1988 and they have four grown kids. The consummate interviewer Doug is occasionally joined in the studio by the artists you hear on Christian FM.
Andy Youso
Hey, I’m Andy! I’m a Father of two wild boys and one princess. I have a wife who is the living example of grace. When I was a kid, I found Jesus after watching an episode of MacGyver (a show which I still love to watch to this day!) When you listen to my show, I hope that you are encouraged, entertained, and have a moment of two where you are reminded of how much God love you, because when you feel God’s love, that changes everything!
Debbie Eckelbarger
Miss Debbie has a special place in her heart for reaching young people. You'll hear her voice on our sister station, KNLB, speaking to children on Treehouse One (3-5 pm MST). She's also involved in announcing on Alive FM from time to time.
Tsegy Poehner
Tsegy Poehner serves as the administrative assistant at Alive FM--she receives all donor contributions, letters, and occasionally fan mail. She's a native of Mongolia and she loves Jesus!
Theresa Ross
Theresa Ross has been on the radio since 1990! Her voice has been heard on Christian radio stations in Indy, South Florida, Central Florida, Northeast Florida and Dallas/Fort Worth all before coming to Christian FM. Theresa has won multiple awards for her work and has been recognized nationally as Air Personality of the Year. She is married to Phil and is mom to two beautiful kids, Johanna and Jordan.
Lisa Barry
Hi, I’m Lisa! It is so fun being able to connect with you on Christian FM! Every day I feel like you and I are just having coffee, talking about all the good, bad and crazy stuff we have to go through. In case you’re curious, I’m married to Ken, who is hilarious and he makes me laugh every day. We have three grown daughters, Emily, Molly and Marissa. I love eating healthy and working out, although I also love eating cheese and sitting on the couch watching HGTV, so there’s that constant tension. I also love wrestling with faith issues and shopping for cute clothes; which I realize doesn’t sound like they go together but…we’re all complicated!
Bill Kasputis
Serves on the production team at Alive FM and he's involved in making sure things sound good on the radio! He's an early bird at the Alive FM studio and his work is done before most of us are out of bed.
Alan Teeple
Serves with the production team in editing and scheduling announcements and short features. He's diligent in all the little details that most people would easily miss. When you hear the volume consistency when transitioning from one spot to another, you can thank Alan for that!
Kelly Brown
Kelly assists with accumulating local information and community events to keep you informed. If you ever call into Alive FM, you'll most likely speak to Kelly first.
Sarah Taulli
Assist with web design and producing digital media content. She's occasionally heard on Alive FM telling you station information.